- Arduino UNO
- 1 Panel LED P10
- Bluetooth HC-05 atau HC-06
- RTC DS3231
- Buzzer Active
- Konverter Arduino ke DMD
- Charge HP 5V untuk power JWS
- Kabel Jumper secukupnya
- Kabel USB
- Komputer atau Laptop yang sdh terintal Arduino IDE 1.8.5
- Sumber Listrik
- File Utama
- File Perhitungan Waktu Sholat
- File gambar desai Tampilan
- File Parameter
- File Penamaan ID
- File Tampilan Puasa
//**************************************************************************************/ #include <SPI.h> #include <DMD3asis.h> #include <font/KecNumber.h> #include <font/BigNumber.h> #include <font/Font4x6.h> #include <font/SystemFont5x7.h> #include <font/Font3x5.h> #include <font/Angka6x7.h> #include <DS3231.h> #include <EEPROM.h> #include <avr/pgmspace.h> #include <Wire.h> #include <MemoryFree.h> #define BUZZ A0 #define Font0 Font4x6 #define Font3 BigNumber #define Font2 Font3x5 #define Font1 SystemFont5x7 #define Font4 KecNumber #define Font5 Angka6x7 // Object Declarations DMD3 Disp(1,1); char *pasar[] ={"WAGE", "KLIWON", "LEGI", "PAHING", "PON"}; int maxday[] = {0, 31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31}; RTClib RTC; DS3231 Clock; //Structure of Variable typedef struct // loaded to EEPROM { uint8_t state; //1 1 byte add 0 float L_LA; //2 4 byte add 1 float L_LO; //3 4 byte add 5 float L_AL; //4 4 byte add 9 float L_TZ; //5 4 byte add 13 uint8_t MT; //6 1 byte add 17 // value 1-masjid 2-mushollah 3-surau 4-langgar uint8_t BL; //7 1 byte add 18 uint8_t IH; //8 1 byte add 19 uint8_t SO; //9 1 byte add 20 uint8_t JM; //10 1 byte add 21 uint8_t I1; //11 1 byte add 22 uint8_t I4; //12 1 byte add 23 uint8_t I5; //13 1 byte add 24 uint8_t I6; //14 1 byte add 25 uint8_t I7; //15 1 byte add 26 uint8_t BZ; //16 1 byte add 27 uint8_t SI; //17 1 byte add 28 uint8_t ST; //18 1 byte add 29 uint8_t SU; //19 1 byte add 30 int8_t CH; //20 1 byte add 31 } struct_param; typedef struct { uint8_t hD; uint8_t hM; uint16_t hY; } hijir_date; // Variable by Structure struct_param Prm; hijir_date nowH; // Time Variable DateTime now; float floatnow = 0; uint8_t daynow = 0; uint8_t ty_puasa = 0; uint8_t hd_puasa = 0; int8_t SholatNow = -1; boolean jumat = false; boolean azzan = false; uint8_t reset_x = 0; //Other Variable float sholatT[8] = {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0}; uint8_t Iqomah[8] = {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0}; //Blue tooth Pram Receive char CH_Prm[155]; int DWidth = Disp.width(); int DHeight = Disp.height(); boolean DoSwap; int RunSel = 1; // int RunFinish = 0 ; //======================================= //===SETUP=============================== //======================================= void setup() { //init comunications Wire.begin(); Serial.begin(9600); // Get Saved Parameter from EEPROM updateTime(); GetPrm(); //init P10 Led Disp & Salam Disp_init(); } //======================================= //===MAIN LOOP Function ================= //======================================= void loop() { // Reset & Init Display State updateTime(); //every time check_azzan(); //check Sholah Time for Azzan DoSwap = false ; fType(1); Disp.clear(); // Timer Function every 10 Minutes // Up All function with Timer in this fuction Timer_Minute(1); // ========================================= // List of Display Component Block ========= // ========================================= anim_JG(1); // addr: 1 show date time dwMrq(drawMasjidName(),75,2,2); // addr: 2 show Masjid Name dwMrq(drawDayDate() ,75,1,3); // addr: 3 show Hijriah date dwMrq(msgPuasa(hd_puasa,ty_puasa),75,0,4); // addr: 5 show Remander Puasa drawSholat(5); // addr: 5 show sholat time dwMrq(drawInfo(130) ,75,1,6); // addr: 6 show Info 1 anim_DT(7); // addr: 7 show date time dwMrq(drawInfo(280) ,75,2,8); // addr: 8 show Info 2 drawSholat(9); // addr: 9 show sholat time dwMrq(drawInfo(430) ,75,1,10); // addr: 10 show Info 3 drawAzzan(100); // addr: 100 show Azzan drawIqomah(101); // addr: 101 show Iqomah dwMrq(drawInfo(580),50,0,102); //Message Sholat biasa // addr: 202 show Message Sholah dwMrq(drawInfo(730),50,0,103); //Message Sholat jumat // addr: 203 show Message Jum'at blinkBlock(104); // addr: 104 show Blink Sholat // ========================================= // Display Control Block =================== // ========================================= if(RunFinish==1) {RunSel = 2; RunFinish =0;} //after anim 1 set anim 2 if(RunFinish==2) {RunSel = 3; RunFinish =0;} //after anim 2 set anim 3 if(RunFinish==3) //after anim 3 set anim 5 or anim 4 if puasa { if (ty_puasa!=0) {RunSel = 4; RunFinish =0;} else {RunSel = 5; RunFinish =0;} } if(RunFinish==4) {RunSel = 5; RunFinish =0;} //after anim 4 set anim 5 if(RunFinish==5) {RunSel = 6; RunFinish =0;} //after anim 5 set anim 6 if(RunFinish==6) {RunSel = 7; RunFinish =0;} //after anim 6 set anim 7 if(RunFinish==7) {RunSel = 8; RunFinish =0;} //after anim 7 set anim 8 if(RunFinish==8) {RunSel = 9; RunFinish =0;} //after anim 8 set anim 9 if(RunFinish==9) {RunSel = 10; RunFinish =0;} //after anim 9 set anim 10 if(RunFinish==10) {RunSel = 1; RunFinish =0;} //after anim 10 set anim 1 if(RunFinish==100 and jumat ) {RunSel = 103; RunFinish = 0; reset_x = 1;} //after Azzan Jumat (anim 100) else if(RunFinish==100) {RunSel = 101; RunFinish =0;} //after Azzan Sholah (Iqomah) if(RunFinish==101) {RunSel = 102; RunFinish =0; reset_x=1;} //after Iqomah(anim 101) set Message Sholah (anim 102) if(RunFinish==102) {RunSel = 104; RunFinish =0;} //after Message Sholah (anim 102) set Blink Sholah(anim 104) if(RunFinish==103) {RunSel = 104; RunFinish =0;} //after Messagw Jum'at (anim 103) set Blink Sholah(anim 104) if(RunFinish==104) {RunSel = 1; RunFinish =0;} //after Blink Sholah back to anim 1 // ========================================= // Swap Display if Change=================== // ========================================= if(DoSwap){Disp.swapBuffers();} // Swap Buffer if Change } // ========================================= // DMD3 P10 utility Function================ // ========================================= void Disp_init() { Disp.setDoubleBuffer(true); Timer1.initialize(2000); Timer1.attachInterrupt(scan); setBrightness(int(Prm.BL)); fType(1); Disp.clear(); Disp.swapBuffers(); } void setBrightness(int bright) { Timer1.pwm(9,bright);} void scan() { Disp.refresh();} // ========================================= // Time Calculation Block=================== // ========================================= void updateTime() { now = RTC.now(); floatnow = (float)now.hour() + (float)now.minute()/60 + (float)now.second()/3600; daynow = Clock.getDoW(); // load day Number } void Timer_Minute(int repeat_time) //load every 1 minute { static uint16_t lsRn; uint16_t Tmr = millis(); if((Tmr-lsRn)>(repeat_time*60000)) { lsRn =Tmr; update_All_data(); Serial.print("freeMemory()=");Serial.println(freeMemory()); SendPrm(); } } void update_All_data() { uint8_t date_cor = 0; updateTime(); sholatCal(); // load Sholah Time check_puasa(); // check jadwal Puasa Besok if(floatnow>sholatT[6]) {date_cor = 1;} // load Hijr Date + corection next day after Mhagrib nowH = toHijri(now.year(),now.month(),now.day(),date_cor); // load Hijir Date if ((floatnow > (float)21) or (floatnow < (float)3.5) ) {setBrightness(15);} else {setBrightness(Prm.BL);} } void check_azzan() { //Check Waktu Sholat SholatNow = -1; for(int i=0; i <=7; i++) { if (i!=0 and i!=2 and i!=3) // bukan terbit dan bukan dhuha { if(floatnow >= sholatT[i]) { SholatNow = i; if(!azzan and (floatnow > sholatT[i]) and (floatnow < (sholatT[i]+0.03))) { if(daynow ==6 and SholatNow ==4 and Prm.MT==1) {jumat=true;} azzan =true; RunSel = 100; } } } } }
//------------------------------------------ // Function calculate Pray Time //------------------------------------------ /*Macro Function */ #define d2r(x) x*M_PI/180 #define r2d(x) x*180/M_PI //Constanta const float lunarY = 354.367068f; // Main Function void sholatCal() { float EJD = E_Julian_date(now.year(),now.month(),now.day(),Prm.L_LO); float Decl=Dql(EJD); float EqOfTime=EqT(EJD); Pray_Time(Prm.L_TZ, Prm.L_LA, Prm.L_LO,Prm.L_AL,Decl, EqOfTime ); } //Julian Date at GMT mid day float E_Julian_date(int Year,int Month,int Days,float Longitude) // juliant date - 2451545 { if (Month <= 2) { Year -= 1; Month += 12; } float A = floor(((float)Year/100.0)); float B = 2 - A + floor(A/4.0); float CLong = Longitude/(float)(15 * 24); float JD = floor(365.25 *(float)(Year+ 4716)) - 2451545 + floor(30.6001 * (float)(Month + 1)) + (float)Days + B - 1524.5 -CLong; return JD; } //Sun Declination float EqT(const float EJD) { float g = fix_angle(357.529f + 0.98560028f* EJD); float q = fix_angle(280.459f + 0.98564736f* EJD); float L = fix_angle(q + 1.915* sin(d2r(g)) + 0.020* sin(d2r(2*g))); float e = (23.439f - 0.00000036f* EJD); float RA = r2d(atan2(cos(d2r(e))* sin(d2r(L)), cos(d2r(L))))/ 15; float Eq =(q/15-fix_hour(RA)); return Eq; // Ds = r2d(asin(sin(d2r(e))* sin(d2r(L)))); // declination of the Sun } float Dql(float EJD) { float g = fix_angle((357.529f + 0.98560028f* EJD)); float q = fix_angle((280.459f + 0.98564736f* EJD)); float L = fix_angle((q + 1.915f* sin(d2r(g)) + 0.020f* sin(d2r(2*g)))); float e = (23.439f - 0.00000036f* EJD); float dd = r2d(asin(sin(d2r(e))* sin(d2r(L)))); // declination of the Sun return dd; } float HourAngle( float Alfa, float Declination, float Latitude) { float rn =acos( (-sin(d2r(Alfa))-sin(d2r(Latitude))*sin(d2r(Declination))) / (cos(d2r(Latitude))*cos(d2r(Declination))) )/15; return r2d(rn); } void Pray_Time(float TimeZone, float Latitude, float Longitude,float Altitude,float Declination, float EquationOfTime ) { // Dzuhur float BaseTime = fix_hour((float)12+TimeZone-(Longitude/15)-EquationOfTime); sholatT[4] = BaseTime + (float)Prm.IH/60; // Ashr float alfa =r2d(-atan(1 / (1+tan(d2r(fabs(Latitude-Declination)))))); float HA = HourAngle(alfa,Declination,Latitude); sholatT[5] = BaseTime + HA + (float)Prm.IH/60; // Maghrib alfa = 0.8333f+0.0347f*sqrt(Altitude); HA = HourAngle(alfa,Declination,Latitude); sholatT[6] = BaseTime + HA + (float)Prm.IH/60; // Terbit sholatT[2] = BaseTime - HA; // Isya HA = HourAngle((float)18,Declination,Latitude); sholatT[7] = BaseTime + HA + (float)Prm.IH/60; // Shubuh HA = HourAngle((float)20,Declination,Latitude); sholatT[1] = BaseTime - HA + (float)Prm.IH/60; // Imsak sholatT[0] = sholatT[1]-(float)10/60; // Dhuha HA = HourAngle((float)-4.5,Declination,Latitude); sholatT[3] = BaseTime - HA; char buff[100]; } float fix_hour(float a) { a = a - (float)24.0 * floor(a / 24.0); a = a < 0.0 ? a + 24.0 : a; return a; } float fix_angle(float a) { a = a - (float)360.0 * floor(a / 360.0); a = a < 0.0 ? a + 360.0 : a; return a; } //------------------------------------------ // Function calculate Hijriah Date //------------------------------------------ long Days(uint16_t Y,uint8_t M,uint8_t D) { if (M < 3) { Y -= 1; M +=12; } Y = Y - 2000; long ndays= floor(365.25*Y)+floor(30.6001*(M + 1))+floor(Y/100)+floor(Y/400)+D+196; //long ndays= d1 + d2 - A + B + D + 196; return ndays; } long DaysHijri(uint16_t Y,uint8_t M,uint8_t D) { Y = Y - 1420; long hari = floor(29.5*M - 28.999)+floor(lunarY*Y)+D ; return hari; } hijir_date toHijri(uint16_t Y, uint8_t M, uint8_t D,uint8_t cor) // core --> corection date today=0 yesterday=-1 tomorrow=1 { hijir_date BuffDate; long nday = Days(Y, M, D)+ Prm.CH + cor; long tahun = floor(nday/lunarY) + 1420; long bulan = 1; long harike = 1; while(DaysHijri(tahun, bulan, 1) <= nday){tahun++;}; tahun--; while(DaysHijri(tahun, bulan, 1) <= nday){bulan++;}; bulan--; harike = 1 + nday - DaysHijri(tahun, bulan, 1); if (bulan == 13){bulan = 12; harike += 29;}; BuffDate.hD = harike; BuffDate.hM = bulan; BuffDate.hY = tahun; return BuffDate; }File gambar desai Tampilan :
// ========================================= // Drawing Content Block==================== // ========================================= void drawAzzan(int DrawAdd) { // check RunSelector if(!dwDo(DrawAdd)) return; uint8_t ct_limit =40; //harus angka genap static uint8_t ct; static uint16_t lsRn; uint16_t Tmr = millis(); if((Tmr-lsRn) > 500 and ct <= ct_limit) { lsRn = Tmr; if((ct%2) == 0) { //Disp.drawRect(1,2,62,13); fType(0); dwCtr(0,0,"ADZAN"); fType(1); if(jumat) {dwCtr(0,8,sholatN(8));} else {dwCtr(0,8,sholatN(SholatNow));} Buzzer(1); } else { Buzzer(0);} DoSwap = true; ct++; } if ((Tmr-lsRn)>2000 and (ct > ct_limit)) {dwDone(DrawAdd); ct = 0; Buzzer(0);} } void drawIqomah(int DrawAdd) // Countdown Iqomah (9 menit) { // check RunSelector if(!dwDo(DrawAdd)) return; static uint16_t lsRn; uint16_t Tmr = millis(); static int ct; int mnt, scd,cn_l ; char locBuff[6]; cn_l = (Iqomah[SholatNow]*60); //Disp.drawRect(1,2,62,13); if((Tmr-lsRn) > 1000 and ct <=cn_l) { lsRn = Tmr; mnt = floor((cn_l-ct)/60); scd = (cn_l-ct)%60; if(mnt>0) {sprintf(locBuff,"%02d:%02d",mnt,scd);} else {sprintf(locBuff,"%02d",scd);} if((ct%2) == 0){ fType(0); dwCtr(0,-1,"IQOMAH");} fType(0); dwCtr(0,8,locBuff); if (ct> (cn_l-10)) Buzzer(1); // Buzzer on 2 seccon before Iqomah ct++; DoSwap = true; } if (ct > cn_l) { dwDone(DrawAdd); ct = 0; Buzzer(0); } } void drawSholat_S(int sNum,int c) // Box Sholah Time { char BuffTime[10]; char BuffShol[7]; float stime = sholatT[sNum]; uint8_t shour = floor(stime); uint8_t sminute = floor((stime-(float)shour)*60); uint8_t ssecond = floor((stime-(float)shour-(float)sminute/60)*3600); sprintf(BuffTime,"%02d:%02d",shour,sminute); // Disp.drawRect(c+1,2,62,13); fType(1); dwCtr(c,0,sholatN(sNum)); fType(0); dwCtr(c,9,BuffTime); DoSwap = true; } void drawSholat(int DrawAdd) { // check RunSelector // int DrawAdd = 0b0000000000000100; if(!dwDo(DrawAdd)) return; static uint8_t x; static uint8_t s; // 0=in, 1=out static uint8_t sNum; static uint16_t lsRn; uint16_t Tmr = millis(); uint8_t c=0; uint8_t first_sNum = 0; int DrawWd=DWidth - c; if((Tmr-lsRn)>10) { if(s==0 and x<(DrawWd/2)){x++;lsRn=Tmr;} if(s==1 and x>0){x--;lsRn=Tmr;} } if((Tmr-lsRn)>2000 and x ==(DrawWd/2)) {s=1;} if (x == 0 and s==1) { if (sNum <7 0="" 1="" 2="" 3="" 7="" and="" buff="" buffh="" buffm="" c="" char="" d="" date="" disp.drawfilledrect="" disp.drawtext="" doswap="true;" drawgreg_ds="" drawsholat_s="" drawsmallts="" dwctr="" dwdone="" else="" first_snum="" ftype="" if="" int="" isp.drawline="" lsrn="" mr-lsrn="" now.day="" now.hour="" now.minute="" now.month="" now.year="" or="" raw="" rawadd="" rawwd="" rm.si="=0" rm.st="=0" rm.su="=0" s="=" snum="" sprintf="" static="" tmr="millis();" uff="" uffh="" uffm="" uint16_t="" void="" x-10="" x="" y-2="" y="">1000) lsRn = Tmr; DoSwap = true; } void drawGreg_TS(uint16_t y) // Draw Time { char Buff[20]; //sprintf(Buff,"%02d:%02d:%02d",now.hour(),now.minute(),now.second()); sprintf(Buff,"%02d:%02d",now.hour(),now.minute()); dwCtr(0,y,Buff); DoSwap = true; } void drawGreg_cil(uint16_t y) // Draw Time { char Buff[20]; sprintf(Buff,"%02d:%02d:%02d",now.hour(),now.minute(),now.second()); dwCtr(0,y,Buff); DoSwap = true; } void Jam_GD(uint16_t y) // Draw Time Depan { char BuffJ[6]; char BuffM[6]; char BuffD[6]; sprintf(BuffJ,"%02d",now.hour()); sprintf(BuffM,"%02d",now.minute()); sprintf(BuffD,"%02d",now.second()); fType(5); Disp.drawText(0,y,BuffJ); Disp.drawText(0,y+8,BuffM); fType(3); Disp.drawText(19,y,BuffD); Disp.drawRect(15,y+3,16,y+5,1); Disp.drawRect(15,y+10,16,y+12,1); DoSwap = true; } void anim_DT(int DrawAdd) { // check RunSelector if(!dwDo(DrawAdd)) return; static uint8_t y; static uint8_t s; // 0=in, 1=out static uint16_t lsRn; uint16_t Tmr = millis(); if((Tmr-lsRn)>100) { if(s==0 and y<17 and="" if="" lsrn="Tmr;y++;}" s="=1" y="">0){lsRn=Tmr;y--;} } if((Tmr-lsRn)>10000 and y ==17) {s=1;} if (y==7) { // Disp.drawRect(1,2,62,13); } if (y == 0 and s==1) {dwDone(DrawAdd); s=0;} fType(4); drawGreg_cil(y-16); // fType(2); //drawGreg_DS(16-y); } void anim_JG(int DrawAdd) { // check RunSelector if(!dwDo(DrawAdd)) return; static uint8_t y; static uint8_t s; // 0=in, 1=out static uint16_t lsRn; uint16_t Tmr = millis(); if((Tmr-lsRn)>100) { if(s==0 and y<17 and="" if="" lsrn="Tmr;y++;}" s="=1" y="">0){lsRn=Tmr;y--;} } if((Tmr-lsRn)>10000 and y ==17) {s=1;} if (y==7) { // Disp.drawRect(1,2,62,13); } if (y == 0 and s==1) {dwDone(DrawAdd); s=0;} //fType(1); //drawGreg_TS(y-8); Jam_GD(17-y); } void dwMrq(const char* msg, int Speed, int dDT, int DrawAdd) { // check RunSelector static uint16_t x; if(!dwDo(DrawAdd)) return; if (reset_x !=0) { x=0;reset_x = 0;} static uint16_t lsRn; int fullScroll = Disp.textWidth(msg) + DWidth; uint16_t Tmr = millis(); if((Tmr-lsRn)> Speed) { lsRn=Tmr; if (x < fullScroll) {++x;} else { dwDone(DrawAdd); x = 0;return;} if(dDT==1) { fType(1); //Marquee Disp.drawText(DWidth - x, 0, msg); fType(0); if (x<=6) { drawGreg_TS(16-x);} else if (x>=(fullScroll-6)) { drawGreg_TS(16-(fullScroll-x));} else { Disp.drawRect(1,8,30,8); drawGreg_TS(9);} } else if(dDT==2) { fType(0); if (x<=6) { drawGreg_TS(x-6);} else if (x>=(fullScroll-6)) { drawGreg_TS((fullScroll-x)-6);} else { Disp.drawRect(1,7,30,7); drawGreg_TS(-1);} fType(1); //Marquee Disp.drawText(DWidth - x, 9 , msg); } else { fType(1); Disp.drawLine(1,2,62,2); Disp.drawLine(1,13,62,13); Disp.drawText(DWidth - x, 4, msg); } DoSwap = true; } } void blinkBlock(int DrawAdd) { // check RunSelector if(!dwDo(DrawAdd)) return; static uint16_t lsRn; static uint16_t ct, ct_l; uint16_t Tmr = millis(); int mnt, scd;// char locBuff[6];// if(jumat) {ct_l = Prm.JM * 60;} else {ct_l = Prm.SO * 60;} jumat =false; if((Tmr-lsRn)> 1000) { lsRn=Tmr; //Disp.drawChar(1, 1 , ct); mnt = floor((ct_l-ct)/60); scd = (ct_l-ct)%60; sprintf(locBuff,"%d:%02d",mnt,scd); fType(2); Disp.drawText(1,7,locBuff); // tampil tunggu sholat if((ct%2) == 0) { Disp.drawFilledRect(DWidth-3, DHeight-3, DWidth-2, DHeight-2);} DoSwap = true; ct++;} if (ct> ct_l) { dwDone(DrawAdd); azzan = false; ct = 0; } // Disp.drawText(1,7,String(ct_l-ct)); } // ========================================= // Drawing Tools============================ // ========================================= boolean dwDo(int DrawAdd) { if (RunSel== DrawAdd) {return true;} else return false;} void dwDone(int DrawAdd) { RunFinish = DrawAdd; RunSel = 0;} void dwCtr(int x, int y,const char* Msg) { int tw = Disp.textWidth(Msg); int th = Disp.textHeight(); int c = int((DWidth-x-tw)/2); Disp.drawFilledRect(x+c-1,y,x+tw+c,y+th,0); Disp.drawText(x+c,y,Msg);} void Buzzer(uint8_t state) { if(state ==1 and Prm.BZ == 1) {tone(BUZZ, 500, 400);} else {noTone(BUZZ);} } void fType(int x) { if(x==0) Disp.setFont(Font0); else if(x==1) Disp.setFont(Font1); else if(x==2) Disp.setFont(Font2); else if(x==3) Disp.setFont(Font3); else if(x==4) Disp.setFont(Font4); else Disp.setFont(Font5); } // digunakan untuk menghitung hari pasaran int jumlahhari(){ DateTime now = RTC.now(); int d= now.day(); int m= now.month(); int y= now.year(); int hb[] = {0, 31, 59, 90, 120, 151, 181, 212, 243, 273, 304, 334, 365}; int ht = (y - 1970) * 365 - 1; int hs = hb[m - 1] + d; int kab = 0; int i; if(y % 4 == 0) { if(m > 2) { hs++; } } for(i = 1970; i < y; i++) { if(i % 4 == 0) { kab++; } } return (ht + hs + kab); } 17>17>7>
File Parameter :
void serialEvent()
int prm_idx = 0;
char bchar;
bchar =Serial.peek();
if ((bchar == 'C') or (bchar == 'N') or (bchar == 'S'))
while ((bchar != '\n')and(prm_idx < 150))
bchar = (char)Serial.read();
prm_idx ++;
while(Serial.available()) {Serial.read();}
void LoadPrm()
String BT_Param;
uint16_t eeAdd = 0;
uint8_t eePut = 0;
uint8_t eeMax = 0;
uint8_t lenprm = strlen(CH_Prm)-3;
// Put Char Data
if (CH_Prm[0]=='C')
{ if(CH_Prm[1]=='M' and CH_Prm[2]=='N') {eeAdd = 58; eeMax=24;}
else if(CH_Prm[1]=='M' and CH_Prm[2]=='A') {eeAdd = 85; eeMax=44;}
else if(CH_Prm[1]=='N' and CH_Prm[2]=='1') {eeAdd = 130; eeMax=149;}
else if(CH_Prm[1]=='N' and CH_Prm[2]=='2') {eeAdd = 280; eeMax=149;}
else if(CH_Prm[1]=='N' and CH_Prm[2]=='3') {eeAdd = 430; eeMax=149;}
else if(CH_Prm[1]=='S' and CH_Prm[2]=='M') {eeAdd = 580; eeMax=149;}
else if(CH_Prm[1]=='J' and CH_Prm[2]=='M') {eeAdd = 730; eeMax=149;}
int eeCount =0;
while((eeCount<= lenprm) and (eeCount < eeMax))
// Put Numeric Data
else if (CH_Prm[0] =='N')
BT_Param = String(CH_Prm);
if(BT_Param.substring(1,3).equals("LA")) {eeAdd = 1 ; eePut=1;}
else if(BT_Param.substring(1,3).equals("LO")) {eeAdd = 5 ; eePut=1;}
else if(BT_Param.substring(1,3).equals("AL")) {eeAdd = 9 ; eePut=1;}
else if(BT_Param.substring(1,3).equals("TZ")) {eeAdd = 13; eePut=1;}
else if(BT_Param.substring(1,3).equals("MT")) {eeAdd = 17; eePut=2;}
else if(BT_Param.substring(1,3).equals("BL")) {eeAdd = 18; eePut=2;}
else if(BT_Param.substring(1,3).equals("IH")) {eeAdd = 19; eePut=2;}
else if(BT_Param.substring(1,3).equals("SO")) {eeAdd = 20; eePut=2;}
else if(BT_Param.substring(1,3).equals("JM")) {eeAdd = 21; eePut=2;}
else if(BT_Param.substring(1,3).equals("I1")) {eeAdd = 22; eePut=2;}
else if(BT_Param.substring(1,3).equals("I4")) {eeAdd = 23; eePut=2;}
else if(BT_Param.substring(1,3).equals("I5")) {eeAdd = 24; eePut=2;}
else if(BT_Param.substring(1,3).equals("I6")) {eeAdd = 25; eePut=2;}
else if(BT_Param.substring(1,3).equals("I7")) {eeAdd = 26; eePut=2;}
else if(BT_Param.substring(1,3).equals("BZ")) {eeAdd = 27; eePut=2;}
else if(BT_Param.substring(1,3).equals("SI")) {eeAdd = 28; eePut=2;}
else if(BT_Param.substring(1,3).equals("ST")) {eeAdd = 29; eePut=2;}
else if(BT_Param.substring(1,3).equals("SU")) {eeAdd = 30; eePut=2;}
else if(BT_Param.substring(1,3).equals("CH")) {eeAdd = 31; eePut=3;} //update
if(eePut == 1)
if(eePut == 2)
if(eePut == 3) // put uint8_t
if (CH_Prm[0]=='S' and CH_Prm[1]=='D' and CH_Prm[2]=='T')
BT_Param = String(CH_Prm);
// Get New/updeted parameter*/
void GetPrm()
// Serial.println("Get parameter");
// Get Parameter and check
EEPROM.get(0, Prm);
if(Prm.state != 212) //check value of Prm State .. set Default
if (now.year() < 2018)//check date time .. less than 1 jan 2018 set Default
// user New Parameter
// SendPrm();
void set_default_prm()
// Put Parameter start form addr 500
Prm = (struct_param){212,-6.39524,106.80256,45,7,1,20,2,10,30,15,10,10,7,10,1,1,1,1,0};
EEPROM.put(58, "Mujahid 212\0");
EEPROM.put(85, "Sragen\0");
EEPROM.put(130,"Info 1\0");
EEPROM.put(280,"Info 2\0");
EEPROM.put(430,"Info 3\0");
EEPROM.put(580,"Lurus dan rapatkan Shaf sebelum Sholat ...\0");
EEPROM.put(730,"Harap Tenang dan Matikan HP Anda\0");
void set_default_time()
Clock.setClockMode(false); // set to 24h
// for debug
void SendPrm()
// char Info1[150];
Serial.print(F("NLA : ")); Serial.print(Prm.L_LA,7);Serial.print("\t");
Serial.print(F("NLO : ")); Serial.print(Prm.L_LO,7);Serial.print("\n");
Serial.print(F("NAL : ")); Serial.print(Prm.L_AL,7);Serial.print("\t");
Serial.print(F("NTZ : ")); Serial.print(Prm.L_TZ,0);Serial.print("\n");
Serial.print(F("NMT : ")); Serial.print(Prm.MT);Serial.print("\t");
Serial.print(F("NIH : ")); Serial.print(Prm.IH);Serial.print("\t");
Serial.print(F("NCH : ")); Serial.print(Prm.CH);Serial.print("\n");
Serial.print(F("NSO : ")); Serial.print(Prm.SO);Serial.print("\t");
Serial.print(F("NJM : ")); Serial.print(Prm.JM);Serial.print("\n");
Serial.print(F("NI1 : ")); Serial.print(Prm.I1);Serial.print("\t");
Serial.print(F("NI4 : ")); Serial.print(Prm.I4);Serial.print("\t");
Serial.print(F("NI5 : ")); Serial.print(Prm.I5);Serial.print("\n");
Serial.print(F("NI6 : ")); Serial.print(Prm.I6);Serial.print("\t");
Serial.print(F("NI7 : ")); Serial.print(Prm.I7);Serial.print("\t");
Serial.print(F("NBZ : ")); Serial.print(Prm.BZ);Serial.print("\n");
Serial.print(F("NSI : ")); Serial.print(Prm.SI);Serial.print("\t");
Serial.print(F("NST : ")); Serial.print(Prm.ST);Serial.print("\t");
Serial.print(F("NSU : ")); Serial.print(Prm.SU);Serial.print("\n");
Serial.print(F("NBL : ")); Serial.print(Prm.BL);Serial.print("\n");
for(int i =0; i <=7;i++){
Serial.print("iqomah"); Serial.print(i); Serial.print("\t"); Serial.println(Iqomah[i]);
File Penamaan ID :
// sholatN 9 x 8
const char static sholatN_E[] PROGMEM = { "IMSAK\0\0\0"
//h_month 12 x 11
const char static h_month_E[] PROGMEM = { "MUHARRAM\0\0\0"
//m_month 12 x 10
const char static m_month_E[] PROGMEM = { "JAN\0"
//DayName 7 x 7
const char static DayName_E[] PROGMEM = { "AHAD\0\0\0"
//MT_Name 4 x 10
const char static MT_Name_E[] PROGMEM = { "MASJID\0\0\0\0"
const char static HD_Puasa[] PROGMEM = {
"MARI PUASA\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0"
"SUDAHKAH KITA PUASA\0\0\0\0\0\0\0"
const char static TY_Puasa[] PROGMEM = {
// List fungsi Call Name off :
// 1. Header Puasa : Header_Puasa(1-4)
// 2. Sholat Name : sholahN(integer 0-6) 0-Subuh 1-Terbit 2-Dhuha 3-Dzuhur 4-Ashar 5-Magrib 3-Isya
// 3. DayName : DayName(1-7) 1-Minggu .... 7-Sabtu
// 4. Hijriah Month Name : drawGregDate(OutPut String)
// 5. Masehi Month Name : drawHijrDate(OutPut String)
// 6. Masjid Name : drawMasjidName(OutPut String) depend on Masjid Tipe 1-Masjid 2-Musholla 3-Surau 4-Langgar
char* msgPuasa(int hd, int ty) // get sholat name from EEPROM
static char output[50];
char hdBuff[26];
int locLen = (hd-1)*26;
memccpy_P(hdBuff,HD_Puasa+locLen ,0,26);
char tyBuff[13];
locLen = (ty-1)*13;
memccpy_P(tyBuff,TY_Puasa+locLen ,0,13);
if(hd ==1)
{sprintf(output,"%s %s esok hari" ,hdBuff,tyBuff);}
{sprintf(output,"%s %s" ,hdBuff,tyBuff);}
return output;
char* sholatN(int number) // get sholat name from EEPROM
static char locBuff[8];
int locLen = number*8;
memccpy_P(locBuff,sholatN_E+locLen ,0,8);
return locBuff;
char * DayName(int number) // get Day Name from EEPROM
static char locBuff[7];
int locLen = (number-1)*7;
memccpy_P(locBuff,DayName_E+locLen ,0,7);
return locBuff;
char * MonthName(int number) // get Month Name from EEPROM
static char locBuff[4];
int locLen = (number-1)*4;
return locBuff;
char * drawDayDate()
char locBuff[20];
static char out[45];
int locLen = (nowH.hM-1)*11;
sprintf(out,"%s %s,%02d-%02d-%04d %02d %s %dH\0",DayName(daynow),pasar[jumlahhari()%5],now.day(),now.month(),now.year(),nowH.hD,locBuff,nowH.hY);
return out;
char * drawMasjidName()
char bufMN[75];
static char out[85];
char locBuff[10];
int locLen = (Prm.MT-1)*10;
memccpy_P(locBuff,MT_Name_E+locLen ,0,10);
sprintf(out,"%s %s\0",locBuff,bufMN);
return out;
char * drawInfo(int addr)
static char out[150];
return out;
File Tampilan Puasa :