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Feature AVR Mikrokontroler

AVR chip merupakan salah satu dari beberapa tipe chip yang banyak digunakan. selain sudah familiar dan penggunaan yang mudah chip ini juga banyak tersedia di toko elektronik di indonesia . selain itu banyak feature yang bisa mempermudah pekerjaan programmer, umumnya tipe ini dilengkapi dengan ADC, Timer, Interrupt, dll. salah satu tipe AVR “Kesayangan” saya,, yaitu : ATMega Family…

DIP 40 ini sangat menunjang beberapa pekerjaan saya selama ini,,
  1. High-performance, Low-power AVR® 8-bit Microcontroller
  2. Advanced RISC Architecture
    • 130 Powerful Instructions – Most Single Clock Cycle Execution
    • 32 x 8 General Purpose Working Registers
    • Fully Static Operation
    • Up to 16 MIPS Throughput at 16 MHz
    • On-chip 2-cycle Multiplier
  3. Nonvolatile Program and Data Memories
    • 8K Bytes of In-System Self-Programmable Flash
    • Endurance: 10,000 Write/Erase Cycles
    • Optional Boot Code Section with Independent Lock Bits
    • In-System Programming by On-chip Boot Program
    • True Read-While-Write Operation
    • 512 Bytes EEPROM
    • Endurance: 100,000 Write/Erase Cycles
    • 512 Bytes Internal SRAM
    • Programming Lock for Software Security
  4. Peripheral Features
    • Two 8-bit Timer/Counters with Separate Prescalers and Compare Modes
    • One 16-bit Timer/Counter with Separate Prescaler, Compare Mode, and Capture
  5. Mode
    • Real Time Counter with Separate Oscillator
    • Four PWM Channels
    • 8-channel, 10-bit ADC
    • 8 Single-ended Channels
    • 7 Differential Channels for TQFP Package Only
    • 2 Differential Channels with Programmable Gain at 1x, 10x, or 200x for TQFP
  6. Package Only
    • Byte-oriented Two-wire Serial Interface
    • Programmable Serial USART
    • Master/Slave SPI Serial Interface
    • Programmable Watchdog Timer with Separate On-chip Oscillator
    • On-chip Analog Comparator
  7. Special Microcontroller Features
    • Power-on Reset and Programmable Brown-out Detection
    • Internal Calibrated RC Oscillator
    • External and Internal Interrupt Sources
    • Six Sleep Modes: Idle, ADC Noise Reduction, Power-save, Power-down, Standby
      and Extended Standby
  8. I/O and Packages
    • 32 Programmable I/O Lines
    • 40-pin PDIP, 44-lead TQFP, 44-lead PLCC, and 44-pad MLF
  9. Operating Voltages
    • 2.7 – 5.5V for ATmega8535L
    • 4.5 – 5.5V for ATmega8535
  10. Speed Grades
    • 0 – 8 MHz for ATmega8535L
    • 0 – 16 MHz for ATmega8535


Demultiplexer or decoders are devices that have the function desired output selection is adjusted to a predetermined input. At the decoder if input as an example of three input a1, a2 and a3, then the output will be produced 2 ^ 3 = 8 output (b1, b2, b3, b4, b5, b6, b7 and B8).

In the picture below shows an example in the specification demultiplexer using TTL IC 74HC237

3 Bit to 8 Line Demultiplexer (Dekoder)

Demultiplexer or decoders are devices that have the function desired output selection is adjusted to a predetermined input. At the decoder if input as an example of three input a1, a2 and a3, then the output will be produced 2 ^ 3 = 8 output (b1, b2, b3, b4, b5, b6, b7 and B8).

In the picture below shows an example in the specification demultiplexer using TTL IC 74HC237
74HC237 demultiplexer Logic diagram

The 74HC237 is a 3-to-8 line demultiplexer with latches at the three address inputs The 74HC237 essentially combines the 3-to-8 decoder function with a 3-bit storage latch. When the latch is enabled (LE = LOW), the 74HC237 acts as a 3-to-8 active LOW decoder. When the latch enable (LE) goes from LOW-to-HIGH, the last data present at the inputs before this transition, is stored in the latches. Further address changes are ignored as long as LE remains HIGH.

The output enable input (E1 and E2) controls the state of the outputs independent of the address inputs or latch operation. All outputs are HIGH unless E1 is LOW and E2 is HIGH.
IC 74HC237Pinning IC 74HC237

Quick reference data demultiplexer 74HC237
  • supply voltage: 0.5 +7 V
  • input diode current: ±20 mA
  • output diode current: ±20 mA
  • output source or sink current: ±25 mA
  • storage temperature: 65 +150 °C
  • power dissipation: 750 mW

Decoder 4 Bit to 16 Line

Decoder 4 bit to 16 line HCC4514B/HCC4515B are monolithic integrated circuits available in 24-lead dual in-line plastic or ceramic package and plastic micro package. The HCC/HCF4514B/4515B consisting of a 4-bit strobed latch and a 4 to 16 line decoder. The latches hold the last input data presented prior to the strobe transition from 1 to 0.Inhibit control allows all outputs to be placed at HCC/HCF4514B/4515B regardless of thestateofthedata or strobe inputs. The decode truth table indicates all combinations of data inputs and appropriate selected outputs.
Decoder 4 Bit to 16 Line HCC4514B/HCC4515B

Absolute maximum rating HCC4514B/HCC4515B decoder 4 bit to 16 line
  • Supply Voltage: 0.5 to + 18 V
  • Input Voltage: 0.5 to VDD + 0.5 V
  • Total Power Dissipation (per package): 100 mW
  • Operating Temperature : 40 to + 85 C
  • Storage Temperature – 65 to + 150 C
Stresses above those listed under ”Absolute Maximum Ratings” may cause permanent damage to the device. This is a stress rating only and functional operation of the device at these or any other conditions above those indicated in the operational sections

decoder Logic diagram

truth table IC decoder HCC4514B/HCC4515B

Transformasi Sumber

When we apply a method to analyze a series of DC, may be necessary to change the source of flow into voltage source or voltage source into a source flow.

Not any source can be transformed. A voltage source in series with the new resistans can be transformed into a source of flow in parallel with resistans. Instead of a flow in parallel with the resistans transformation can be a source of voltage in series with the resistans. In general, how to change the power source into a source of other types shown in the picture below:
Transformasi Sumber
  • Example
with the Sources Transformation, Change voltage source in the image below into the source flows!
Transformasi Sumber

Transformasi Sumber

The results shown in the picture below:
Transformasi Sumber

  • Example 2
with the Sources Transformation, Change flow Source on the images below are a source of tension!
Transformasi Sumber

Transformasi Sumber

The results shown in the picture below:
Transformasi Sumber

Analisis Node/Simpul/Titik Rangkaian Elektronika

Nodal / Simpul /titik Analysis By using this method, we will first obtain the size of the voltage on each of a series in which later can be used to explore the amount of electricity the other.

Stages to implement a Nodal / Simpul / Titik Analysis is this:
  1. Determine the amount of twist in the series.
  2. Choose a Simpul reference mark and the rest with a certain voltage, such as V1, V2, V3 and so on.
  3. Determine the direction of flow on each knot. On a note that is not the directions, the directions are usually chosen exit / leave the simpul. Rename the current I1, i2, I3, and so on.
  4. Apply Kirchoff current law at every twist in the simpul, except reference. Consider that all flows that do not know the directions, will leave every simpul.
  5. Complete equality of linear simultan

From the following series, specify the size of the voltage is in each simpul it!

Determine the number of simpul:

Simpul V1:

Simpul V2:

Expressed in the form of a matrix:

Hukum OHM

Hukum Ohm
States that "the voltage across the various types of materials are proportionate with the straight flow of the stream." Mathematically expressed by:
Hukum Ohm

Ohm's law formula can be derived as follows:
Hukum Ohm

V is the voltage (in volt), I is the current that flows (in ampere) and R is resistansi or obstacles (in ohm, Ω) which is 1 ohm value is equal to 1 volt / ampere.
Resistansi is a measure of how large flow by preventing elements. Reverse of resistansi (1 / Ω, S) is called with konduktansi (G). Konduktansi is a measure of how good flowing currents akan allowed in the series. The mathematical relationship between resistansi and konduktansi stated with
Hukum Ohm
Example 1
Determine the current that flows in the series when a 12 volt battery is connected with a resistor of 2 Ω!
Hukum Ohm
Example 2
Specify resistansi of 44 fluorescent light wall W, which when connected with the voltage of 220 V will then flow currents of 200 mA!
Hukum Ohm

Hukum Kirchoff Arus - Kirchoff tegangan

- Hukum Kirchoff Arus

States that "all the algebraic number of the flow enters a knot / point in the series is a zero" or "the amount of flow that enters the knot in a series with the same amount of flow that is out of the knot."
Expressed mathematically with

As an illustration shown in the picture below:

So based on the law applicable kirchof flow:

-Hukum Kirchoff Tegangan
States that "the amount of voltage that all algebraic corral a road closed (loop) in a series of electricity is zero." Mathematically expressed by:

As an illustration shown in the picture below:

So based on the law applicable kirchoff voltage:

-Example Kirchoff Tegangan

Determine the voltage of the unknown in the following series!

By applying Kirchoff voltage law is

-Example Kirchoff Arus
Determine the flow of the unknown from the image below!

By applying the law kirchoff flow on a point, it will be valid

By applying the law kirchoff flow at the point b, it will be valid

By applying the law kirchoff flow at the point c, it will be valid


Analisis Loop/Mesh pada Rangkian Elektronika

Stages to implement the Loop Analysis / Mesh is this:
1. Determine the direction of flow in each loop in the series. Usually selected with the clockwise direction.
2. Determine the polarity of each element in the series.
       a. In the source: cash flow from the polarity (-) to the polarity (+)
       b. In the burden: cash flow from the polarity (+) to the polarity (-)
3. Apply Kirchoff Voltage Law in each loop is in series, so that equality of the number of the loop.
4. Complete the simultaneous equation.

Example :
Decide which is the current flowing in each loop of the following series! :

specify the first flow direction in each loop. We select the direction of the finger so that it becomes a series:

By applying Kirchoff voltage law to each loop is

With substitution and eleminasi second loop equation is:

Equality of loop I1

Simultans that equality can also be obtained by using matrix algebra with the first claim to the loop equation in the form of a matrix as follows:

Besaran Pokok dan Besaran Turunan

Besaran Listrik

Besaran adalah segala sesuatu yang dapat diukur, dihitung, memiliki nilai dan satuan. Besaran menyatakan sifat dari benda. Sifat ini dinyatakan dalam angka melalui hasil pengukuran. Oleh karena satu besaran berbeda dengan besaran lainnya, maka ditetapkan satuan untuk tiap besaran. Satuan juga menunjukkan bahwa setiap besaran diukur dengan cara berbeda.

Besaran Pokok
Besaran pokok adalah besaran yang satuannya telah ditetapkan terlebih dahulu dan tidak diturunkan dari besaran lain.

Besaran pokok dalam Sistem Internasional

Nama Simbol dalam rumus Simbol dimensi Sat. Stand.
Simbol satuan
Panjang l, x, r, dll. [L] meter m
Waktu t [T] detik (sek.) s
Massa m [M] kilogram kg
Arus listrik I, i [I] ampere A
Suhu T [θ] kelvin K
Jml. molekul n [N] Mol mol
Intensitas cahaya Iv [J] Kandela Cd
Keterangan dari macam-macam besaran pokok itu adalah:

Satuan panjang adalah "meter".
Definisi :
    Satu meter adalah jarak yang ditempuh cahaya (dalam vakum) dalam selang waktu 1/299 792 458 sekon.

Massa zat merupakan kuantitas yang terkandung dalam suatu zat. Satuan massa adalah "kilogram" (disingkat kg)
Definisi :
    Satu kilogram adalah massa sebuah kilogram standar yang disimpan di lembaga Timbangan dan Ukuran Internasional (CGPM ke-1, 1899)

Satuan waktu adalah "sekon" (disingkat s) (detik)
Definisi :
    Satu sekon adalah selang waktu yang diperlukan oleh atom sesium-133 untuk melakukan getaran sebanyak 9 192 631 770 kali dalam transisi antara dua tingkat energi di tingkat energi dasarnya (CGPM ke-13; 1967) 

Kuat arus listrik
Satuan kuat arus listrik adalah "Ampere" (disingkat A)
Definisi :
    Satu Ampere adalah kuat arus tetap yang jika dialirkan melalui dua buah kawat yang sejajar dan sangat panjang, dengan tebal yang dapat diabaikan dan diletakkan pada jarak pisah 1 meter dalam vakum, menghasilkan gaya 2 X 10-7 newton pada setiap meter kawat.

Satuan suhu adalah "kelvin" (disingkat K)
    Satu Kelvin adalah 1/273,16 kali suhu termodinamika titik tripel air (CGPM ke-13, 1967).
Dengan demikian, suhu termodinamika titik tripel air adalah 273,16 K. Titik tripel air adalah suhu dimana air murni berada dalam keadaan seimbang dengan es dan uap jenuhnya.

Jumlah molekul
Satuan jumlah molekul adalah "mol".

Intensitas cahaya
Satuan intensitas cahaya adalah "kandela" (disingkat Cd).
Definisi :
    Satu kandela adalah intensitas cahaya suatu sumber cahaya yang memancarkan radiasi monokromatik pada frekuensi 540 X 1012 hertz dengan intensitas radiasi sebesar 1/683 watt per steradian dalam arah tersebut (CGPM ke-16, 1979)

 Besaran turunan

Besaran turunan adalah besaran yang didapat dari penggabungan besaran-besaran pokok.
Contoh besaran turunan:
Besaran Satuan Singkatan
Kecepatan meter per sekon m/s
Percepatan, percepatan gravitasi meter per sekon kuadrat m/s²
Luas meter persegi
Volume meter kubik
Gaya, berat, tegangan tali Newton (kilogram meter per sekon persegi) kg m/s²
Debit meter kubik per detik m³/s
Energi, usaha Joule J
Rapat tenaga joule per meter kubik J/m³
Tegangan permukaan, tetapan pegas Newton per meter N/m

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